The sfumatura or slow-folding process was the traditional technique for manually extracting the bergamot oil . By more modern methods, the oil is extracted mechanically with machines called peelers, which scrape the outside of the fruit under running water to get an emulsion channeled into centrifuges for separating the essence from the water.
I can see if we can figure it out! bergamot essential oil extraction methods are mainly steam distillation, organic solvent extraction, cold pressing and supercritical CO 2 extraction [5-6]. Water vapor distillation is widely used in plant essential oil extraction because of its simple equipment,.
Bergamot oil is extracted from the rinds of citrus fruit ( Citrus bergamia) that grow on bergamot orange trees. If you’re a fan of Earl Grey tea, you’re already enjoying the distinctive taste of bergamot, which is used to flavor it. The earliest roots of the bergamot tree can be traced to Southeast Asia.
What is bergamot used for?
The bergamot fruit is golden, fleshy and tender, crisp and sweet, except for fresh food, can be made candied fruit, preserved fruit, and processed into bergamot tea, bergamot, bergamot jelly and bergamot wine, its flowers, young fruit and Mature fruit can be used as medicine [2].
Another frequent question is “Is bergamot bad for You?”.
Some have found that i do want to mention that bergamot is a phototoxic essential oil. Because of this, there is potential for skin sensitization if it is used topically, and then you’re exposed to sunlight, according to Essential Oil Safety. However, if you properly dilute and follow the recommended uses, you can greatly reduce the risk of sensitization.
Are bergamot essential oils adulterated?
The bergamot essential oil is particularly subject to adulteration being an essential oil produced in relatively small quantities.
Here is what our research found. Bergamot oil is commonly used in aromatherapy, as it has a high content of alcohol and chemical esters. Burning the oil releases molecules that when ingested can also impart their medicinal benefits. However, they can be applied to the skin as well as consumed orally in minute quantities.
Why add bergamot oil to your skincare products?
I’ve added bergamot oil to two of our facial oils for its oily skin, sensitive skin and overall skin-balancing properties, as well as its ability to even out skin tone . The fact that it provides a nice scent is a great bonus!
Bergamot oil is used commonly in skin care products like creams, lotions, and soaps . This is because of its cicatrisant content which helps marks and scars lighten. Marks and scars can occur due to a number of skin conditions, such as acne, or even other ailments like chicken pox easily treated with bergamot essential oil .
Another question we ran across in our research was “How do you use bergamot oil for acne scars?”.
It is used to minimize scars and other scars on skin; stimulates skin by supplying melanin. These wounds can be a result of acne or skin infections or irritations. To treat skin irritation, pour five drops of bergamot essential oil onto a little cotton or a cloth and rub over affected area.