The fruit of the citrus bergamia plant, bergamot fruit, is a type of orange. Almost the same size as oranges, bergamots closely resemble lime in appearance. They are pear-shaped, green in color when raw, and yellow when ripe.
When I was reading we ran into the query “What does Bergamot fruit look like?”.
One source claimed that bergamot fruit resembles a small orange in appearance, except for the color. The herb bergamot is known by the botanical name of Monarda didyma. It is commonly referred to by its English name of bergamot or bee balm (because of its tendency to attract bees).
Citrus bergamia, the bergamot orange (pronounced / ˈbɜːrɡəmɒt /), is a fragrant citrus fruit the size of an orange, with a yellow or green color similar to a lime, depending on ripeness.
What is bergamot and where does it come from?
Bergamot is a fragrant citrus fruit from the tropical, Citrus bergamia plant. Common throughout the Mediterranean, the fruit is the size of an orange, yet similar in color to a lime, or even yellowish, depending on the ripeness.
Yet another inquiry we ran across in our research was “What is the scientific name of bergamot?”.
My favorite answer was the citrus fruit bergamot is known by the botanical name of Citrus bergamia or Citrus aurantium subsp., and bergamia. It belongs to the Rutaceae plant family and possesses many of the common characteristics of the family. The small tree has smooth, oval leaves, familiar to many of the citrus trees within this plant family.
While we were researching we ran into the inquiry “What is bergamot extract used for?”.
Bergamot is a plant that produces a type of citrus fruit. Oil from the peel of the fruit, and extract from the fruit juice, are used to make medicine. Bergamot oil is most commonly used in aromatherapy for anxiety, nausea and vomiting, pain, and other conditions. Bergamot extract is used for schizophrenia,.
You may be thinking “What is bergamot essential oil used for?”
One way to consider this is the herb bergamot is rarely used as an essential oil in aromatherapy practice but it does have therapeutic properties for herbal medicine practice. The leaf of bee balm is used as an infusion in tea to help in the relief of insomnia, menstrual pain, nausea, and flatulence.
Are bergamot and bee balm the same?
It is commonly referred to by its English name of bergamot or bee balm (because of its tendency to attract bees). Bee balm belongs to the Lamiaceae plant family and shares more characteristics in common with its fellow plant family members – such as peppermint, lavender, and sage – than that of its fruity namesake bergamot. Bee balm is a herb native to the woodlands of North America.
The favorite answer was the reason that bee balm is also given the name bergamot is that the aroma reminded the botanist, Dr Nicholas Mondares – whose name was given to the Latin name of the plant, Mondara – of the citrus aroma of bergamot (Citrus bergamia). The citrus fruit bergamot is used as an essential oil in aromatherapy.
Is bergamot and citron the same thing?
Citrus bergamia is sometimes confused with (but is not the same as): Citrus medica – citron, the yellow fruit of which is also known as etrog; or Citrus limetta, the “sweet lemon” or “sweet lime”. The bergamot is a citrus fruit native to southern Italy.