Do potatoes freeze well in soup?

Pureed potatoes freeze better than potato pieces, so pureeing your soup will make it freeze better . When cooking potato soup, if the recipe calls for milk or cream, you may want to omit them from the recipe while cooking, and then add them to the soup when reheating after thawing.

Can you freeze potato soup in a bag?

Now that our containers or bags with potato soup are ready to go, wen can lay then in the freezer. If you’re using a freezer bag and are anxious that it will spill the soup all over the freezer, put the bag into a container. You can take the bag out of the container once its contents freeze .

One way to consider this is you can then defrost your frozen potato soup and reheat it by placing it in the microwave or on a stovetop (you’ll need to use thawing and reheating times given by the manufacturer when using a microwave or stove).

Does freezer burned potato soup go bad?

Freezer-burned potato soup is sometimes greasy if it’s been left in a freezer for too long, but this shouldn’t affect the taste of your food so long as you give your frozen potato soup a quick rinse in cold water first. If you find that your potatoes are soft and watery, then your potato soup may have gone bad .

What kind of Soup can you freeze?

Naturally creamy and smooth sweet potato soup is a perfect match for the freezer. You can freeze sweet potato soup for up to six months. Made too much spinach soup? Most spinach soups can be frozen for up to three months, though freezing spinach can make it soggy.

Do you have to cook potatoes before freezing?

Because they contain so much water, raw potatoes don’t freeze well and can turn mushy, watery or even grainy.