Look for a bright green stem and cap. Wrap the eggplant, unwashed and in plastic, to reduce its exposure to air, and store it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator where the temperature is somewhat warmer than the 40 degrees Fahrenheit temperature of the rest of the fridge. Temps that are too warm or too cold can damage the eggplant.
Some authors claimed eggplant will last as long as an entire year, so long as the proper storage procedures and environment are introduced before it has begun to spoil. In less-than-ideal conditions, eggplant will only last up to two days , a marked difference in length of time.
You may be thinking “How long does eggplant last in fridge?”
One common answer is, if you don’t intend to eat the eggplant within 2 days , it should be refrigerated . To refrigerate, wrap in a paper towel and place in a reusable container or perforated plastic bag in the crisper section of your refrigerator for use within 5 – 7 days.
Here is what my research found. stored carefully, the eggplant will retain its quality for up to eight months . It will stay safe to eat indefinitely after that but will work only for blended dips, since the texture will suffer. Before freezing, wash and peel the eggplant. Then, cut it into 1/3-inch slices and plunge it into boiling water with a bit.
Fresh eggplant can be kept at room temperature for between three to five days. If you refrigerate it, you can keep it for somewhere from seven to ten days. You can also freeze it, and if you do it properly, it will keep its flavor as just as importantly, its texture, for as long as eight months .
How do you know if eggplant is fresh?
The fresher the eggplant is when you buy it , the longer it will last in the fridge and the better it will taste. Choose one that feels heavy in your hand, with smooth, glossy skin and no cracks or discolored spots. The eggplant may give a bit when you press it with your thumb, but a fresh one will spring back quickly.
Are eggplants healthy to eat?
All eggplants contain lots of healthy fiber , have no sodium or fat and are low in calories, but give some thought on how to cook the vegetable to retain its healthful qualities. The fresher the eggplant is when you buy it, the longer it will last in the fridge and the better it will taste.
Can you freeze eggplant slices?
Before freezing, wash and peel the eggplant. Then, cut it into 1/3-inch slices and plunge it into boiling water with a bit of lemon juice for 4 minutes. Quickly chill the slices in ice water, drain the eggplant and place it in freezer-grade plastic or foil .