Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, beta-carotene and quercetin. Research suggests that a diet rich in antioxidants may reduce the risk or progression of OA. Tomatoes offer vitamins A and C and many other nutrients that may improve your overall health and manage your osteoarthritis symptoms.
One way to think about this is pity the poor tomato. Long thought poisonous, it’s often maligned for making arthritis worse. This is because tomatoes naturally produce a toxin called solanine . This toxin is believed to contribute to inflammation, swelling, and joint pain.
Tomatoes Some people with arthritis swear that nightshade vegetables — such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers — cause their arthritis to flare . While there aren’t any studies to support a link between arthritis pain and most nightshades, tomatoes may be an exception. That’s because they raise levels of uric acid.
But unfortunately, there’s a persistent myth that tomatoes will make your arthritis symptoms worse . There’s no evidence that diets where you cut certain foods out, also known as elimination or exclusion diets, helps osteoarthritis symptoms. They’ve been shown to sometimes help people with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
One thought is that Before the introduction of the commonly used drugs to manage arthritis, in the 1970s, some researchers noticed an association between tomatoes and nightshades and arthritis symptoms , according to information presented in a study published in 1993 in “Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Medical Surgery 1 2 “.
I tomatoes are considered by the University of Maryland Medical Center to be one of the most common food allergens that may trigger joint pain . Food allergies are the leading cause of arthritis pain, according to the Center for Food Allergies. Make an appointment with your doctor to determine the cause of your joint pain.
Do tomatoes and eggplants cause arthritis pain?
Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers all contain the chemical solanine, which some blame for arthritis pain . However, the Arthritis Foundation say that there is no scientific evidence for this. Adding these nutritious vegetables to the diet can have many benefits for chronic health conditions.
Can I eliminate Tomatoes from my diet for arthritis?
At the end of your elimination diet, add tomatoes back to your diet and see if your arthritis worsens . If your elimination diet does not result in significant improvements or only partially improve your arthritis, your symptoms may be the result of other nightshades you have in your diet 2.
How long should you eliminate Tomatoes from your diet for arthritis?
Following your elimination diet for four to eight weeks is enough to help you decide whether eliminating tomatoes improves your arthritis. At the end of your elimination diet, add tomatoes back to your diet and see if your arthritis worsens.
What vegetables are bad for arthritis?
Nightshade Vegetables Eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are all members of the nightshade family. These vegetables contain the chemical solanine, which some people claim aggravates arthritis pain and inflammation .
One way to think about this is and there’s some evidence diets high in cruciferous vegetables could prevent RA from developing in the first place. Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Red Peppers and Squash These brightly orange- and red-hued vegetables get their distinctive color from carotenoids like beta-cryptoxanthin.
You see, some people find that making changes to their diet improves their arthritis symptoms. This may involve avoiding inflammatory foods, such as saturated fat and sugar . It may also involve avoiding foods that are high in purines.
Are Tomatoes Bad for You?
Omega-3 fatty acids can have an anti-inflammatory effects, but tomatoes could worsen your pain . If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately. You probably eat tomato or tomato-based products daily, without even realizing it.