Can I freeze aubergines and courgettes?

Take a baking tray, line it with greaseproof paper. Once the aubergine has cooled, lay them on the tray in one spaced-out layer. Flash freeze for a few hours. Remove from the freezer, and if the aubergine is frozen solid on the outside, you can tip them into a freezer bag to store .

They can be frozen for up to 3 months . To freeze courgettes, simply cut them up and pop them into a bag in the freezer. For best results, you will need to blanch them first.

How do you cook courgettes for beginners?

Boil the courgettes for about a minute, then remove with a slotted spoon and immediately plunge into the bowl of iced water. Leave for another minute, then drain and arrange on the kitchen-paper-lined tray. Pat dry, then lay the courgettes on a second tray and freeze until solid .

What can I do with aubergine and Courgette?

Cook aubergine and courgette in ratatouille, summer veg traybakes, one-pots and tarts. These soft, fleshy vegetables are great at absorbing flavours and adding texture to dishes. Try these courgette and aubergine dishes, then check our our main collections of courgette recipes and aubergine recipes . A star rating of 4.3 out of 5.

Another inquiry we ran across in our research was “What is the best way to cook aubergines?”.

Cover the base of the dish with a third of the aubergine slices, sprinkle a third of the Parmesan (or vegetarian hard cheese) over, top with a third of the mozzarella then spread a third of the tomato sauce over. Repeat this twice with the remaining ingredients and top with the breadcrumbs.

We first, bring a pot of water to a rolling boil as you’ll want to blanch your aubergine to kill off any bacteria. Next, prepare a pot of ice-cold water which you’ll use as part of the blanching process to stop any further cooking taking place. Now it’s time to prepare your aubergine.

Do you have to defrost aubergines?

If you’re using frozen aubergine slices or frozen roasted aubergine then the good is that you don’t even need to defrost them . Simply stir into the dish you’re cooking or use in a moussaka, for example, and continue as you normally would.

How long do aubergines last in the freezer?

Whether it’s roasted, blanched, pureed or prepared as a dish, aubergine will keep in the freezer for around 6 months . As always, ensure you label anything you freeze with a clear use-by date so you can keep things well organised in your freezer.

You could be wondering “Can you freeze eggplant puree?”

One answer was when using the eggplant in a dip, sauce, or soup, freezing it pre-cooked in a puree is the most convenient and sensible option . Wash the eggplant and cut off the top green stem. Using a fork, prick the eggplant skin a few times to prevent it from bursting while cooking. Roast the eggplant whole until it is soft.

You should be asking “How long does eggplant Parmesan last in freezer?”

This is what my research found. if properly prepared and stored in an airtight container or freezer bag, eggplant can last for up to 8 months in the freezer. As with all frozen produce, the longer the eggplant remains in the freezer, the poorer the quality will be. Can you freeze eggplant parmesan?