Guinea pigs can eat one cherry tomato three to four times a week. However, if your cavy is suffering from vitamin C deficiency, you can give her one cherry tomato once every day. A large-sized cavy can safely ingest two cherry tomatoes three to four times a week.
The next thing we wanted the answer to was: can guinea pigs eat tomatoes?
Tomatoes are safe for your guinea pigs to eat. Guinea Pigs love tomatoes – Cherry, Roma, Grape, etc. Sometimes Yellow Tomatoes, Blue Tomatoes, Black Tomatoes are also a good food variant you can use to feed them. But the best types of tomatoes to feed your guinea pig are GRAPE Tomatoes, CHERRY Tomatoes, and PLUM Tomatoes.
Can guinea pigs eat tomato?
Potassium is vital for your guinea pig’s bone health. Fiber also plays another helpful role for your guinea pig. Since their teeth never stop growing, guinea pigs need to eat lots of fibrous foods such as tomatoes that can help to grind their teeth down.
While I was writing we ran into the query “Can guinea pigs eat Berry Tomatoes?”.
The berry tomato is regarded as a botanical variety of the cultivated berry, Solanum lycopersicum var., and cerasiforme. ( source) Can guinea pigs eat cherry tomatoes? Yes, they can eat them in small amounts . For more foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat, check out our guinea pig food list.
Unripe tomatoes contain solanine and tomatine which are toxic to cavies. Tomatine can also be found in ripe tomatoes but in small amount only which doesn’t pose any risks to guinea pigs. Just remember that fruits are high in sugars, and tomatoes are no exception.
Another popular question is “Can guinea pigs eat too many Tomatoes?”.
Some believe that one common problem that results from feeding too much tomato to your guinea pig or feeding them tomatoes too often is painful , scabbed over mouth sores. The condition is called Cheilitis and it’s caused by the high amount of acid in the tomatoes. You can also give your guinea pig diarrhea by feeding it too much tomato at once.
Can hamsters eat cherry tomatoes?
Yes they can eat cherry tomatoes but just the red parts. I would only give them that once or twice a week. Leafy greens are needed on a daily basis but cherry tomatoes are definitely a nice sweet treat for them. Here is a list of the fruits and veggies they can eat and how many times.
Can guinea pigs get vitamin C from vegetables?
Guinea pigs in the wild get their vitamin C from fresh grass sources. Pet guinea pigs receive supplemental vitamin C from leafy greens, fruit and veggies, specialty fortified pellets or supplemental droplets placed in their water bottles. While many people think or consider tomatoes a vegetables, it’s a actually a fruit.
Are grape tomatoes the same as cherry tomatoes?
The more oblong ones often share characteristics with plum tomatoes and are known as grape tomatoes . The berry tomato is regarded as a botanical variety of the cultivated berry, Solanum lycopersicum var., and cerasiforme. ( source) Can guinea pigs eat cherry tomatoes? Yes, they can eat them in small amounts.