Generally, Chamomiles can be grown well in a pot with the correct measurements, the right location with at least 4 hours of sunlight, ideal humidity, and the right type of fertilizer.
Chamomile is a fantastic herb to grow. Its foliage and flowers are bright, its fragrance is sweet, and the tea that can be brewed from the leaves is relaxing and easy to make. While it will thrive outdoors, chamomile will also grow very well indoors in a pot.
While reading we ran into the query “Can you grow chamomile in containers?”.
Here is what my research found. growing chamomile in containers is definitely possible and, in fact, works like a charm if you’re worried that chamomile, a generous self-seeder, may be too rambunctious in the garden. Read on to learn more about growing chamomile in a pot.
How do you plant chamomile seeds in pots?
You can get chamomile seeds from a nursery or a garden center and sow them directly into the pots. The seeds take about a week or two to germinate. To get a head start, plant them 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date indoors or anytime outdoors after all dangers of frost are passed in spring.
A question we ran across in our research was “When to plant chamomile seeds indoors?”.
One common answer is, to get a head start, plant them 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date indoors or anytime outdoors after all dangers of frost are passed in spring. Chamomile also grows from cuttings.
My chosen answer was roman chamomile can be started from seed. Sow seeds in late spring onto the surface of pots and cover with a thin layer of vermiculite. Place in a heated propagator to germinate. When seedlings are large enough to handle, prick out into individual pots.
What is the best chamomile to plant?
Egyptian chamomile: Native to Egypt, this is considered to be the best chamomile! It has a canary yellow color with a sweet, floral taste. You can get chamomile seeds from a nursery or a garden center and sow them directly into the pots. The seeds take about a week or two to germinate.
One frequent answer is, Chamomile isn’t fussy, so potted chamomile plants require little care. Here are a few tips: Allow the top ½-inch (1.5 cm.) of potting mix to dry between watering, then water deeply and let the pot drain thoroughly.
How much light does a chamomile plant need?
Requiring only four hours of light per day, your chamomile will be fine as long as it has a spot by a south-facing window. It will probably grow no higher than 10 inches (25 cm), but the plant will still be healthy and the flowers fragrant.