The basilic vein pierces the deep fascia at the elbow and joins the venae commitantes of the brachial vein to form the axillary vein. The basilic vein drains into the brachial vein (part of the deep venous system), which then drains into the axillary vein once it crossed the inferior border of teres major. Click to read further detail.
The basilic vein drains into the brachial vein (part of the deep venous system), which then drains into the axillary vein once it crossed the inferior border of teres major. The axillary vein now joins the cephalic vein (part of the superficial venous system), and once this large vein crosses the lateral border.
The basilic vein is marked along its anterior surface, transected distally, gently dilated with heparinized saline, and drawn through the tunnel, with care taken to avoid rotation or kinking. The transposed basilic vein is reanastomosed to the distal vein . Subcutaneous tissue is reapproximated with a running 3-0 absorbable suture.
Yet another inquiry we ran across in our research was “What is the function of the basilic vein?”.
Some sources claimed Basilic vein 1 Drainage and course. The basilic vein runs down the ulnar side of the arm, and also helps in draining the dorsal venous network of the hand . When dissecting superficial fasciae, it is important to be very careful when making the first incision so as to leave the superficial veins undamaged.
You could be asking “Where does the basilic vein meet the cephalic vein?”
Near the region anterior to the cubital fossa, in the bend of the elbow joint, the basilic vein usually connects with the other large superficial vein of the upper extremity, the cephalic vein, via the median cubital vein (or median basilic vein).
One answer is basilic vein transposition for vascular access (BAVA) represents a suitable option for creating a tertiary native vascular access for hemodialysis on the upper extremities for patients requiring long term hemodialysis. The purpose of the study is to compare BAVAs with arteriovenous grafts (AVG).
One source argued that As it ascends the medial side of the biceps in the arm proper (between the elbow and shoulder), the basilic vein normally perforates the brachial fascia ( deep fascia) above the medial epicondyle , or even as high as mid-arm.
The most usefull answer is; an upper arm basilic vein transposition should be considered whenever a forearm fistula fails or is not feasible. Preference should be given to either a brachiocephalic fistula or a basilic vein transposition, depending on vein size .
How is the basilic vein mobilised in brachial vein thrombosis (BVT)?
In one-stage BVT, the basilic vein is mobilised through a single incision , placed inside an anterolateral arm tunnel and anastomosed with the brachial artery.
Why basil leaves curl?
Improper care of the plant, such as not providing the required sunlight or watering it too much or too little causes the leaves to curl. Diseases like powdery mildew and fusarium wilt also adds to the curling of leaves. Aphids and spider mites are among the pests that attack the plant and cause Basil leaves to curl.
Some think that Here are the most common stressors leading to curling basil leaves. Sunlight – Basil is definitely a sun-loving plant and exposure to less than six hours of bright light per day may result in distorted foliage or basil leaves small and curled. Relocating the plant to a sunnier location may solve the problem.
What is wrong with my basil plant?
To prevent moisture related diseases, water basil carefully as directed above. Pests – Basil is a hardy plant, but it can sometimes be bothered by aphids and other small, sap-sucking pests such as spider mites or scale. The pests can be difficult to see, but a close look at the leaves, especially the undersides, will usually tell the tale.
The next thing we wondered was, is Basil high-maintenance?
This is what my research found. Basil is not a high -maintenance plant but can develop problems over time. For example, browning and curling at its leaf tips result from several factors. Once you identify the cause, you can apply the proper treatment.
Why are my leaf leaves turning brown&curling?
Leaf browning and curling can also be the result of improper fertilization . To prevent damage to the basil, use an organic fertilizer — such as compost tea — twice during its growing season. Amanda Flanigan began writing professionally in 2007.