
Are tomatoes peppers?

Peppers and tomatoes both belong to the same family of plants , known as the Solanaceae, or nightshade group. Edible plants in the same families tend to have the same nutritional needs, as well as similar problems with pests and disease. Are “Paleo Diet” proponents correct that legumes are unhealthy? However, tomatoes and peppers, along …

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Are tomatoes healthy?

Diet is believed to play a complex role in the development of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the Western world. Tomatoes, the second most produced and consumed vegetable nationwide , are a rich source of lycopene, beta-carotene, folate, potassium, vitamin C, flavonoids, and vit …. One frequent answer is, but there is …

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Are tomatoes nightshades?

Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are all common nightshades. Many are rich sources of nutrients and serve as staple foods for various cultures. However, some believe that certain groups of people may be better off eliminating nightshades. Another frequent inquiry is “Are tomatoes in the nightshade family?”. Our answer is that nightshades include a wide …

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Which tomatoes to grow?

Here is the list of some of the best tomato varieties out there. The celebrity tomato looks exactly like what you would picture when you think of tomatoes. A couple more items to keep in mind are delicious, chocolate stripes, beefsteak, black cherry tomato, brandywine tomatoes, blondkopfchen, amana orange, black krim, or azoychka. What tomatoes …

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Are tomatoes seasonal?

Tomatoes have a very long grow season which ranges from June to September in the United States, giving them plenty of time to grow. Two states that are known for their growing of tomatoes for commercial purposes include Florida and California. This of course begs the question “Are tomatoes in season?” Although the U. S. …

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Why tomato blooms die?

A tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum) with dying flowers is likely suffering from blossom drop, a condition usually caused by high temperatures or other environmental factors. Blossom drop is a frustrating problem, as a tomato plant with no flowers cannot produce fruit. One way to consider this is healthy-looking tomato plants set flower blossoms, but they …

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Can tomatoes harm dogs?

Tomatoes can be fatal to dogs They contain an alkaloid called tomatine, which can be fatal to dogs. This substance is metabolized as the fruit ripens, so ripe tomatoes are less likely to cause problems for your dog. Tomatoes also contain atropine, which can cause dilated pupils, tremors, and heart arrhythmias. Are tomatoes toxic to …

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