Tomato sauce may refer to tomato concentrate, the base for pasta or pizza, or even ketchup. Ready-made tomato sauces of all kinds are easily available in cans or bottles. Ideally, tomato sauce should be gluten free, though some brands add gluten-containing additives. Is tomato sauce gluten free?
A common query we ran across in our research was “Is tomato sauce gluten free?”.
This is what I learned. the good news is that tomato sauce of all varieties can be made without gluten, and most of the standard tomato sauces are made from gluten free ingredients. The bad news is that many brands use additives like preservatives, flavorings, colorants, thickeners, and more.
Here is what we learned. Classico: This brand sells jarred pasta sauces, including tomato sauces, and all of them are gluten free to 20 ppm or less. The company doesn’t produce gluten-containing sauces.
Prego: It produces 24 sauces, including tomato-based ones, which are free from gluten content as per the FDA’s requirements. It checks ingredients and the final product every six months to maintain the gluten free status.
My best answer is conAgra has committed to declaring wheat, oats, barley, or rye on the ingredient labels, even if they appear in “natural flavors”. If you don’t see the words wheat, oat, barley, or rye on the can of tomato sauce it is safe. (Oats don’t have gluten naturally but they often have wheat commingled in the field, plus some celiacs are sensitive to them.).
Is there gluten in Hunt’s tomato sauce?
To answer your original question, it’s rather rare to find gluten in tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce. Hunt’s brand is made by ConAgra. ConAgra has committed to declaring wheat, oats, barley, or rye on the ingredient labels, even if they appear in “natural flavors”.
Which sauces are gluten free in the UK?
Sauces and condiments which are usually gluten free in the UK are: Tomato Ketchup (usually gluten free) Some brands of Brown Sauce Some varieties of BBQ sauce (some do contain gluten).
Is tomato ketchup gluten-free?
Annie’s Naturals: This company’s tomato ketchup is tested to 20 ppm of gluten, which is the permissible limit. The vinegar used in it is derived from beets or corn. The company will also reveal information about shared facilities.
Is there gluten in salsa?
I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and have found most “sauces”, including salsa, contain some gluten. I can’t find how to ask Hunt’s if there is any in the can of tomato paste I have.