Pureed tomatoes contain 4.5 mg iron per cup, plus 27 mg of vitamin C to boost absorption. (4.5 mg iron per 1 cup canned pureed tomatoes) 5 . Asparagus Okay, did anyone else know asparagus is rich in iron?
Are sun dried tomatoes high in iron?
Sun-dried tomatoes are another iron-rich source , providing you with 1.3–2.5 mg per half cup, or up to 14% of the RDI (36, 37). Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, which helps increase iron absorption. They’re a great source of lycopene, an antioxidant linked to a reduced risk of sunburn (38, 39).
Another frequently asked inquiry is “Does tomato have iron?”.
We can find out. at 0.5 mg per cup, raw tomatoes contain very little iron . However, when dried or concentrated, they offer a much greater amount .
One source claimed that the highest content of iron in the food items under the general description or type of tomato soup, is Soup, tomato vegetable, dry, mix with 3.71 mg of iron per 100g . Comparing spinach with Soup, tomato vegetable, dry, mix; Soup, tomato vegetable, dry, mix has 1.01 mg more iron than spinach. In terms of iron percentage this is 37 % more iron.
How much iron is in a tomato?
1 large, whole tomato has about 0.4 mg of iron, which is equivalent to 2% of your daily recommended amount. 1 cup of tomato juice has slightly more, with 1 mg of iron, or 6% of the recommended daily amount.
Then, is there more iron in tomato sauce or tomato paste?
One source argued that however, when dried or concentrated, they offer a much greater amount ( 33 ). For instance, half a cup (118 ml) of tomato paste offers 3.9 mg of iron, or 22% of the RDI, whereas 1 cup (237 ml) of tomato sauce offers 1.9 mg, or 11% of the RDI ( 34, 35 ).
Another answer was for instance, half a cup (118 ml) of tomato paste offers 3.9 mg of iron, or 22% of the RDI, whereas 1 cup (237 ml) of tomato sauce offers 1.9 mg, or 11% of the RDI ( 34, 35 ). Sun-dried tomatoes are another iron-rich source, providing you with 1.3–2.5 mg per half cup, or up to 14% of the RDI ( 36, 37 ).
How much iron is in spinach and tomato juice?
The beverage is a blend of fruit and vegetable juices, including spinach puree. According to the USDA, 100 grams of raw spinach contains about 2.7 milligrams of iron. Tomato juice also has a small amount of iron — about 1 milligram per 1-cup serving, according to the USDA.
What foods increase the absorption of non-heme iron?
Foods high in vitamin C – like tomatoes, citrus fruits and red, yellow and orange peppers – can also help with the absorption of non-heme iron. The amount and type of iron in your diet is important.