Why tomato is a fruit?

With this definition in mind, tomatoes are classified as fruit because they contain seeds and grow from the flower of the tomato plant. Tomatoes are botanically fruits because they form from a flower and contain seeds. Much of the confusion about whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable comes from the common culinary applications for tomatoes.

Here is what we discovered. there are two main reasons: 1) because they look like berries; 2) because they have seeds inside them. Because it is classed as a fruit, the tomato is considered a berry. Fruits are defined as anything that comes from a plant, therefore nearly everything may be considered a fruit.

Why is a tomato a fruit and not a vegetable?

The pollen (single celled) fertilizes the egg in the ovule, and forms seed. The surrounding part of the seed becomes fleshy. The resulting structure is called a fruit. Tomatoes also result in this fashion, and hence it is undoubtedly a fruit and not vegetable.

This begs the inquiry “Why are Tomatoes considered fruits and vegetables?”

Some authors claimed That’s because scientifically speaking tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables! Let’s bite into the explanation from National Geographic. When we’re talking about what a fruit is and what a vegetable is, we have to look at the scientific definition. In the science of plants, fruits grow from the fertilized ovary of a flower.

One thought is that Tomatoes are berries because of how they grow. Tomatoes have 3 layers of matter inside them, and the seeds are in the middle layer. All berries grow on a plant, and they come from just one flower ovary. Other examples of berries include blueberries, bananas, and grapes. Tomatoes are sometimes mistaken as vegetables.

The actual tomato plant is a seed plant that grows the red, edible tomatoes people know and love. Although tomatoes aren’t known for being as sweet as other fruit (like peaches), they’re not as bitter as some vegetables (looking at you, Brussels sprouts).

Why tomato flowers but no fruit?

A lack of pollination due to extreme temperature or humidity is a common cause of tomato plants flowering without producing fruit. Other environmental factors that can delay fruit production include water, light, nutrient deficiencies, pests, and diseases.

One article claimed that my tomato plants are flowering, but aren’t setting fruit. Unfavorable weather conditions are the primary reason for blossom drop on tomatoes. High daytime temperatures (above 85 degrees Fahrenheit) and low nighttime temperatures (below 55 degrees Fahrenheit) interfere with pollination,.

This begs the question “What causes tomato blossoms to drop?”

The most usefull answer is: high daytime temperatures (above 85 degrees Fahrenheit) and low nighttime temperatures (below 55 degrees Fahrenheit) interfere with pollination, causing blossom drop. Optimal growing conditions for tomatoes are daytime temperatures of 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

How are Tomatoes formed?

Like other true fruits, tomatoes form from small yellow flowers on the vine and naturally contain a multitude of seeds. These seeds can later be harvested and used to produce more tomato plants.

My best answer is One adult portion of a tomato is a medium sized tomato or 7 cherry tomatoes, remember to eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables so you can reach your daily 5-a-day. Portion size of tomatoes Summary – Tomatoes are both fruits and vegetables!

If you plant them too close, they will produce few tomatoes and are more susceptible to disease. In fact, fungal diseases, like botrytis, can actually cause blooms to drop and result in no fruit. Tomato plants should be spaced at least 2 feet (60 cm.) apart.

Even if you have rich soil, from the moment the first flowers appear you should be feeding your tomatoes with an organic fertiliser that’s high in potassium, or potash. Potash helps promote flower initiation, and hence fruit production.

What is the science of fruit?

In the science of plants, fruits grow from the fertilized ovary of a flower. One reason plants make fruit is so they can disperse their seeds. When a person or animal eats fruit, those seeds are taken away and have a chance to get planted.