Saging is recommended after a bigger change. And mostly after a positive change. Which requires the banishing of old negative energy from your home. Smudging is also important after a long period of illness. Most health problems release a negative energy into the space around the ill person.
Yet another question we ran across in our research was “How often should you Sage a house?”.
The favorite answer was Saging A House is recommended to be done more often than you might think. Smudging is important before moving into a new home, after a longer period of illness or trauma and in many other situations. For example, after situations that created more negative energy in the house . Saging A House – How does it work?
How do I prepare my home/room before Sage removal?
Make sure you clean your home/room before hand. This helps the sage travel better and cuts down on the time you have to spend in each room. Turn off all major electronics (tv, radio, and you can silence your phone). It’s best that you have a clear mind and clear intentions before you sage your home or office .
How To Sage (Smudge) Your Home, Office , And Yourself (Step-By-Step) Light the thick end of the sage and blow out the fire once it produces smoke. The smoke is what does the clearing. Start in one corner of the room and move the smoke up and down. Some people like to use a feather to fan the smoke. Move to each of the other corners in the room.
This helps the sage travel better and cuts down on the time you have to spend in each room. Turn off all major electronics (tv, radio, and you can silence your phone). It’s best that you have a clear mind and clear intentions before you sage your home or office. Open the windows in each room (weather permitting).
How to cleanse a house with Sage?
When the sage cut on fire, blow the fire out. And it will start to release smoke. Now start with the room that seems to hold the most negative energy. Make sure that the smoke enters every corner of the room. Then pursue to the next room. Until the whole house is clean.
How do you Sage a room?
Once you’ve saged the corners of the room, move to the center (and rest of the room) and move the smoke over any furniture (the bed, couches, pillows, dressers, toys, antiques, etc) and electronics that you have. Be sure to also move the smoke around the windowsills and lastly, the doorframe of the room that you’re saging in.
Where do I start saging my house?
Remember to start on the lowest level (basement or ground floor) of your home and work your way up to the top level. Here’s a How-To Sage Playlist that I’ve created if you’re a visual creature and would like to see step-by-step how the saging process is done (the videos also include instructions for saging yourself).