Does thyme need light to germinate?

Thyme has a reputation for being difficult to germinate but will succeed with these tips: Sprinkle a pinch of the small seeds on the soil surface and mist lightly. Thyme needs light to germinate so do not cover seeds . Keep surface moist by frequently misting the soil surface.

Do seedlings need light to germinate?

While most plants that self-sow in your garden are able to germinate without being covered with soil, that doesn’t necessarily mean they absolutely need light . Some plant seeds are indifferent to light exposure and simply need to make contact with soil, whether it is underneath them or covering them.

Does thyme need full sun to grow?

It prefers full sun and a soil that is light and sandy, or loamy. Thyme requires minimal fertilization unless the soil quality is of extremely poor quality, or when grown via the hydroponic method. Thyme propagates easily from tip cuttings or crown division.

One source claimed that specifically, we recommend that you place your Thymus Vulgaris in full and direct sun ( more than 6 hours of direct sunlight per day). Being a herbaceous plant, the English Thyme will die back to the ground every year .

One of the next things we asked ourselves was; how much light does thyme need in the winter?

Here is what my research found. If you are growing thyme in pots during the winter months, you should supplement winter’s shorter days with a fluorescent light, says the University of Minnesota Extension. Aim for a minimum of 12 hours of light per day. Check the soil regularly and water deeply when the soil is completely dry.

Is Thyme a perennial or annual?

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is an evergreen , supplying perennial color and fragrant leaves for cooking. It also grows well as a potted indoor or outdoor plant. Thyme seeds germinate readily, especially if you start it indoors where you have better control over warmth, soil quality and moisture.

Do you fertilize thyme plants?

Thyme requires minimal fertilization unless the soil quality is of extremely poor quality, or when grown via the hydroponic method. Thyme propagates easily from tip cuttings or crown division. Since it grows slowly, especially early in it’s life, weed-control is essential.

However, sometimes planting this herb from seed has its own benefits. First, apart from the patience required from your side , the best way to grow thyme is from seed. Secondly, thyme seeds retain their germinating power for three years – which is a relatively longer than other herbs frequently grown from seed.

This of course begs the query “How long does it take to grow thyme from seed?”

Sow in plugs 12 to 14 weeks before sale. Seeds to finished plugs, 6 to 8 weeks; plugs to saleable plants, 4 to 6 weeks . Thyme grown outdoors prefers full sun.

Then, can you grow thyme from cuttings?

It’s easier to buy the plants or take some cuttings from a friend. However, sometimes planting this herb from seed has its own benefits. First, apart from the patience required from your side, the best way to grow thyme is from seed .

Draw your finger down the soil surface to make 1/4-inch-deep planting furrows and space the furrows 2 inches apart. Sprinkle thyme seeds down each furrow, sowing approximately one or two seeds per 1 inch of row. Cover the seeds with a 1/4-inch layer of moist soil.

How to germinate Thyme Seeds indoors?

It also grows well as a potted indoor or outdoor plant. Thyme seeds germinate readily , especially if you start it indoors where you have better control over warmth, soil quality and moisture. You can start seedlings indoors as early as four weeks before the last spring frost for transplanting outside,.

This of course begs the question “How do you grow thyme indoors?”

One common answer is, indoors, find a sunny window for your thyme. In the garden, intersperse among other drought-tolerant perennials in an area that receives full sun. Water: Most varieties of thyme are drought-resistant, so only give a thorough watering, when the soil is completely dry. Spacing: Thyme is a vigorous grower, so be sure to space accordingly.