What does the inside of an eggplant look like?

Eggplant flesh will have light tan to brown colored spots around the seeds. If this is the color you are referring to, it is edible. Sometime if the eggplant grows too old the inside could be brown in does cases the inside could be spoil or in the prosses.

One answer is that if an eggplant’s skin is getting withered and wrinkly, or if the fruit (yeah, eggplant is technically a fruit) is notably soft or squishy, or it just has soft spots anywhere, it’s rotting.

You may find that other varieties of comparatively long and skinny eggplant will be labeled as Japanese. You may have trouble resisting this variety at the market because they are so darn pretty; unfortunately, the beautiful purple and white markings on this eggplant do not retain their vibrancy once the vegetable is cooked.

What does it mean when eggplant is brown inside?

What you see: Brownish coloring inside your eggplant. What it is: Oxidation. Eat or toss: Eat! This eggplant likely had a traumatic experience (most likely cold temps; possibly it was dropped), but the brown coloring doesn’t signal that any harmful microbes have moved in.

What is the difference between white eggplant and regular eggplant?

Their flavor is a bit more delicate; if the strong, bitter flavor of eggplant is a tad much for you, white eggplant is a good choice.

When we were researching we ran into the query “Do eggplants come in different colors?”.

We these small eggplant orbs common in Thailand aren’t always green—they come in purple and white, too—but they definitely have a tendency to be more bitter than other types of eggplants. To minimize this, be sure to remove their seeds before cooking.

What happens if you eat too old eggplant?

Sometime if the eggplant grows too old the inside could be brown in does cases the inside could be spoil or in the prosses. If you eat it you wont get sick but it does not have the same flavor.