Your eggplant may be dehydrated from lack of water, or the blossoms may not have been pollinated. Here are our tips on how to prevent this from happening. Any time an eggplant is stressed, the flowers may drop from the plant. But, the most common reason for stress in eggplants is lack of sufficient water .
One of these issues is when the eggplant flowers fall off the plant without producing fruits. When an eggplant has flowers but no fruit, this is due to one of two issues. The first thing that can cause eggplant flowers to fall off is a lack of water and the other is a lack of pollination.
When an eggplant plant is stressed, its blossoms will dry up and drop off without producing fruit. The most common reason a eggplant gets stressed is due to a lack of water . Your eggplant needs at least 2 inches (5 cm.) of water a week, more in very hot weather.
One article stated that a pollination problem can occur when the weather conditions are very wet, overly humid, or excessively hot. When the air is very humid, moisture causes the pollen eggplant flower to become very sticky and it cannot fall down onto the pistil to pollinate the flower .
Why eggplant is a fruit?
Eggplants are fruits due to the way they grow . Fruits develop from the flower of a plant and contain seeds, whereas vegetables are any other part of the plant: roots, stems, or leaves. Eggplants belong to the nightshade family, which includes tomatoes and potatoes.
This begs the inquiry “Why is eggplant called eggplant?”
One way to think about this is you see, the variety of the plant they had at the time had fruits that were yellowish in color (and not purple as we know it today) and were the size and shape of eggs. And that’s why they were given the name eggplant – the plant did look as it had fruits like eggs .
Eggplant is a fruit and has uses as a vegetable in dishes, thanks to its savory taste in various cuisines. Use it in grilled, steamed, barbecue, or in stir-fry dishes or add it to stews like Greek moussaka and French ratatouilles. You can also use it in the baked form with tomato sauce and cheese.
Why does my eggplant have holes in it?
The dime-size holes in your eggplant fruit are likely a sign that critters are feeding on the fruits ; perhaps birds or rodents who are thirsty late in the summer. Place bird netting over your plants to exclude critters. In time you are likely to see rot develop as the interior cells are exposed to the air.
Another thing we wondered was: why is my eggplant stressed?
The most common reason a eggplant gets stressed is due to a lack of water . Your eggplant needs at least 2 inches of water a week, more in very hot weather. The majority of that water should be provided in one watering so the water goes deeper into the ground and is less likely to evaporate quickly.
One frequent answer is, • Sunken, water-soaked spots develop on blossom end of fruit; spots can turn black and mold may appear; patches may appear leathery . Blossom end rot is caused by irregular watering or the irregular uptake of water by plants; this can happen when temperatures rise above 90°F.
Do eggplants have oxalates?
Eggplants contain oxalates , but in a lesser amount than many other fruits and vegetables like spinach, taro, rhubarb, and kiwi fruit. If your body is prone to absorbing oxalates, these crystals can cause kidney stones. As this fruit is a part of the nightshade family, it might have minor allergic reactions in some people.
Lets see if we can figure it out. once the plant enters the flowering phase, excess nitrogen can cause your eggplant to develop more leaves than it needs at the expense of flowers and fruit. While an overabundance of nitrogen can keep flowers from developing, it’s not likely to cause existing flowers to drop if you accidentally over-fertilize.
When cooked, eggplants can be enjoyed with pasta, sandwiches, chili, soups, as a side dish or even eaten raw with salads and breads. The medical properties of the fruit can be used to treat skin conditions such as acne, boils, rashes, varicose veins, urinary problems and kidney stones .