Basil seeds are rich in plant compounds , including flavonoids, which may provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anticancer benefits. However, human studies are needed. Fun and Fibrous Beverage Ingredient Basil seeds have long been used in drinks in India and Southeast Asia.
While researching we ran into the question “Where do basil seeds come from?”.
Let us see if we can figure it out. basil seeds come from a variant of basil known as sweet basil ( Ocimum bascilicum ), which is native to the tropical regions of Africa and Asia . These seeds are known by several names such as sweet basil seeds, sabja seeds, and tukmaria seeds.
My best answer was You can buy edible basil seeds in Asian food stores and online . Soak the seeds in water before use or grind them. Try them in baked goods, hot cereal, beverages, or smoothies. The high fiber content of basil seeds may cause digestive side effects like bloating.
Are basil seeds good for You?
Additionally, basil seeds could be an important source of iron and calcium for people who don’t eat meat or dairy products (2). Just 1 tablespoon (0.5 ounces or 13 grams) of basil seeds is a good source of iron, calcium, and magnesium — which could help fill important shortfalls in your diet.
One way to consider this is many cuisines use basil as an herb to flavor dishes. Not only does basil have a unique flavor but it also is a great source of nutrition. The seeds of basil plants are also edible . People in India and Southeast Asia often mix them in desserts and drinks, and basil seeds are becoming more commonly used in other parts of the world as well.
One source proposed basil seeds aren’t just for growing basil plants — you can also eat them . They look similar to sesame seeds but are black. The type that you eat typically comes from sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum, which is the plant c ommonly used to season foods. For this reason, the seeds are typically referred to as sweet basil seeds.
One idea is that basil seeds can help in weight loss Basil seeds are low in calories and can reduce appetite , thus helping those on a weight loss regime. High fibre content in basil seed makes you feel full for longer. They reduce hunger pangs. You can include them in your weight loss diet in order to lose weight more effectively.
You may be asking “Is it safe to eat basil leaves?”
The favorite answer is but larger medicinal amounts are POSSIBLY UNSAFE . Basil contains a chemical, estragole, which has caused liver cancer in laboratory mice. Bleeding disorders: Basil oils and extracts might slow blood clotting and increase bleeding. In theory, basil oils and extracts might make bleeding disorders worse.
What are the different uses of basil seeds?
People in India and Southeast Asia often mix them in desserts and drinks, and basil seeds are becoming more commonly used in other parts of the world as well . Practitioners of Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine have used the seeds from basil plants in herbal remedies throughout history.
This begs the inquiry “What are the health benefits of Basil?”
Some have found that due to a lack of recent scientific research on basil seeds, more studies are needed to confirm these health benefits . Basil seeds contain soluble fiber , which may promote gut health, blood sugar control, healthy cholesterol levels, and appetite control.
Are basil seeds good for weight loss?
Chia seeds have been touted for weight loss and appetite control. Basil seeds belong to the same family as chia seeds (mint family) and these seeds are also to be excellent for weight loss . Basil seeds are also known as Tukmaria or Sabja. The essential oil of Sweet Basil contains more than 200 therapeutic compounds.
Basil seeds do potentially offer benefit in preventing weight gain in people with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms that precede the development of type 2 diabetes, or those with type 2 diabetes. Some research suggests that basil seeds also help moderate blood sugar levels,.