Tomatoes are perennial plants that are usually grown as annuals . However, they do have the potential to grow as perennials in the optimal conditions. Yet, providing these conditions in the majority of cases represent a bigger hassle than replanting them every year.
The most frequent answer is, although in their native habitat tomato plants grow as perennials, they are usually grown as annuals for cultivation. Tomatoes are referred to as tender perennials , as they will generally succumb once temperatures drop, especially once frost hits.
Since tomatoes are tropical perennials, their seeds do not germinate easily in cool spring soil. A tomato plant growing as a perennial indoors or in a tropical climate eventually wears out the soil after 4 or 5 years and stops producing tomatoes.
Although they are technically nonhardy perennials , that very nonhardiness means that most people in the Northern hemisphere must resign themselves to getting only one growing season per tomato plant..
When we were writing we ran into the question “Is it possible to grow tomatoes as perennials?”.
The answer is that It is possible to grow tomatoes as perennials but is not an easy task. Tomato plants are not the hardest to grow, but they do have numerous pests and diseases (one of the most common being tomato blight ). Throughout the world, there are thousands of varieties of tomatoes, each with different requirements and particularities.
Can you grow new Tomatoes with last year’s plants?
If you have an adventurous spirit, a bit of luck and the ability to stretch the growing season — or in some cases your definition of what a “tomato” is — you may be able to grow new tomatoes with last year’s plants.
Lets find out. Everything, to the best of my knowledge, has a life cycle and tomatoes are no exception. Although in their native habitat tomato plants grow as perennials, they are usually grown as annuals for cultivation. Tomatoes are referred to as tender perennials, as they will generally succumb once temperatures drop, especially once frost hits.
What is a perennial plant?
Perennials are plants that persist for multiple growing seasons. Usually, the top portion of the plant dies every cold season and regrows the following spring from the same root system. However, there are varieties of perennial plants that do keep their leaves year-round.
Where do tomatoes grow naturally?
The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is a perennial fruit native to tropical areas of South and Central America.
Are Tomatoes a fruit or vegetable?
Yes, tomatoes are botanically considered a fruit since they grow from a flower and contain seeds. We plant them every year in our garden, we enjoy their sweet taste in salads and we use them in numerous food recipes.